Metaljonica S seeria 235 S rannaliiva puhastusseade

Metaljonica S seeria 235 S rannaliiva puhastusseade

Currently, it is the largest beach cleaner in our production. Born to meet the needs of those who have to clean very large beaches in a short time. It is highly appreciated by operators already well integrated in the sector:  the most used by contractors!

Some technical measures adopted have allowed us to create a large, efficient and agile machine at the same time. The consolidated experience as operators of beach services has contributed to making a difference.

For this beach cleaner, the most suitable combination is that with open field tractors of 100-120 HP.



Vibrant surface 22,000 sq. Cm
Working ability from 4,700 to 20,000 m2 / h
Working width 235 cm
Working depth up to 20 cm with hydraulic adjustment
Body capacity up to 0.75 mc with hydraulic drain
Tractor power 100-120 hp
dimensions (without wheels 240) (with wheels 295) x 177 x H 116 cm
Weight 920 Kg
Treatm. Corrosion integral hot galvanizing
Grids with reinforced frame
cowling galvanized and painted



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